“i’m a minor, he’s an adult”



So basically, I went to visit my family in Brazil and my uncle found this track program that I could do for free since I love the sport. I did it and after a week or so this tall dude also showed up and I didn’t think much of it. My mom would wait in the car facing the track to watch me practice and one day she tells me that he’s always looking at me. I didn’t know this because I never acknowledged his existence. It was weird because he looked so much older than me. He lives with his mom and she also comes to the track program often, but not every day like him and me. My mom decided to talk to her and they became friends. As time went on, I kept realizing how much he stared at me, and it wasn’t a secret stare it was a full-on obvious stare that was so creepy. Later, my mom told me his age and he was 6 years older than me and I’m still considered a minor. We got invited to his birthday party and my mom and I were sitting on his living room couch chatting with a few people from the program. After some time his mom comes over and says, in front of the people we’re chatting with, “I can’t wait for *my name* to get older so she can date *his name*”.

I was so embarrassed by that and my friend said that our age difference is a little too big. A little is an understatement since he’s a grown adult and I’m a minor. Both of them can’t see that I’m clearly not interested in him because he isn’t attractive and has a haircut worse than a buzz cut and I cringe at his voice. A couple weeks later my mom invited them to my grandparent’s house where we were staying. He kept staring at me and she kept pushing us together, saying that we were meant for each other, even though we’re not. What made it worse was that she was doing it in front of my dad, brother, and half of my cousins. She also said a lot of bad gossip about the people in the track program. After that, she said to my mom that her son thinks I’m the love of his life! This is so not true because ain’t no way I’m going to date a p*do. I’m leaving Brazil soon and I want to break it to both of them. What do I do? My mom thinks he’s gonna tell me soon and how should I respond to it?

Our Advice:

Do not be peer pressured to go out with him, especially if you feel uncomfortable and creeped out. Not only are you a minor but he's 6 years older, which is weird. 

You should try and communicate with your mom about how you are feeling. Since his mom is close to yours, it will put you a step in the right direction. I am sure she will understand. 

If things start to progress, and something wrong happens, don't hesitate to contact professional resources which are linked on our website.

Stay safe. 


“over these past months, i think i’ve fallen for her”


“my best friend got a boyfriend”